I woke up this morning with Echo and the Bunnymen doing a number in my head. They played and I yawned. They played "Under the Milky way Tonight."
I listened. The lyrics go:
I got no time for private consultation,
under the milky way tonight.
wish I knew what you were looking for
might have known what you would find.
My day usually begins like this. There's always a tune doing a number in my head. Sometimes it's a good tune like "Under the Milky way Tonight" or "Spanish Bombs." But, most of the time, it gets pretty embarrassing. Most of the time, songs like "I Wanna Know What Love is" or "I Can't Hurry Love" play and wake me up. They stay for the whole day. They hold on for dear life like I am a sinking ship or something. They play and go around and around. Imagine, doing groceries and hearing the lyrics to a Foreigner tune:
Now this mountain I must climb
Feels like a world upon my shoulders
I through the clouds I see love shine
It keeps me warm as life grows colder
Oh, and your in the dairy aisle. You're shopping for cheese. Then you realize that things can't get any better because you are shopping for cheese and you're listening to Foreigner.
And it goes around and comes around. Okay, this is not a JT reference. Although, in all fairness, he is pretty hot and yes, I am jealous of Scarlett Johansson in that video where he kisses her and she pretends not to like it!
More about me...
I dig movies. And, chocolate everything. I like icecream; vanilla is my favorite!
And, I twirl my hair when I am nervous. I am doing this now. Maybe, I am a little nervous. Maybe, it's all the coffee or the Keso ice cream?
Wait, what about me?
What I mean to say is "I dig music." Because, without it; there'd be nothing to wake up to.
I can't even imagine a world without music. I listen to all kinds.
I can be pretty pretentious about it. But, if you ask me, there's no such thing as bad music. There's just noise.
And, no one likes waking up to noise. I like to ease into noise with music. So, I guess this is my point. Music eases me into life.