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Sunday, May 2, 2010

novel entry one

what do you mean what's new?

chp 1

In the event of my father's suicide, I'm obligated to do many things: funeral arrangements, tidying up, loving mom more than usual, taking over the business and finding a home for Oscar my dad's bulldog (my mother hates dogs). It was all over the papers: Newspaper Tychoon Swan Dives from the 28th floor. However, it is my belief that he did not dive off of the 28th story like a swan as they said.
He couldn't have. He was not a good swimmer and he made belly flops when he dove into the water. He didn't write those words on paper: what do you mean what's new? enough is enough. He couldn't have. In all my life, I have never known my father to use a pen and paper. As a child, he would send me commands via text message. Juan dinner's ready. Juan have a good day in school. Juan its 1 am where are you? etc.

It is my belief that my father was conveniently murdered on my fifteenth birthday.

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