Welcome barn-burners!

read well. live well. love well.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

thoughts, tonic and gin

Ross said something this morning that seemed to make sense. This was before coffee which might explain some things regarding content and meaning.

He said:

I am back in Manila.

The celebrity section in the newspaper reads like the obituaries.

I miss mom.
It's like that Skybombers lyric:
"If you wanna be the one darling don't pretend."

Think about "Time to pretend" (MGMT)

I am up. I am up.

And, there's a volcano in the middle of the pacific that's getting rid of her anger from where it was once contained to an area that's a little less hospitable.
I feel sorry for this anger. She's going to be disassembled and dismantled. She'll evaporate and condense into liquid heat. She's got the time to pretend. She'll pretend to be a cloud, water, heat... anything but anger. Because, no one likes anger... time to pretend!

We'll live under the city.
no one will find us.
we'll hide.
hide with me.
there's no pretending
when you're hiding.
unless hiding is like pretending?
and, I'm up
Good morning, come on, come on,
time for the city,
looking pretty.

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