Welcome barn-burners!

read well. live well. love well.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tita syndrome

I talked to Kuya today. He was tense. He actually woke me up from the best sleep in along time of bad sleep and sleeplessness. I love him allot. I just really realized this through hazy eyes and sleepy fingers.

"Sara will be induced tomorrow."
" ...like inducted?" I said "What?" This brought back memories of the X-files and Ian's mad scientist tendencies.
"Uh, CHRIS. They are going to induce labor tomorrow."
"Oh, FUCK" I said. "I am going to be a TITA like for real, like no joke, like you're going to be a PAPA and Sara's going to be a Momma. DO YOU NEED ANYTHING?"
"WELL, you can tell Ross something for me" he said
"K, this better not be too techy or whatever."
"It's fine, just write this down."
I wrote this down and Now there's a note sitting by ROSS' computer b/c that's the only place he'll look, for sure.
The note reads:

Ian wants you to take his Shaman and his warlock and empty mailbox.
Put all the stuff in the bank.
<3 ate

In other news...
I reread the "The Unbearable Lightness of Being."
And, This is about love:
We all reject out of hand the idea that the love of our life maybe something light or weightless; we presume our love is what must be, that without it our life would no longer be the same; we feel that Beethoven himself, gloomy and awe-inspiring, is playing the "Es Muss sein!" to our great love.
What a great love.
Remember, the way it sounds. It's danceable, memorable.
"May we never be stripped of anything we love. May we grow so gentle; never go mental."

"Forecast Fascist Future"
- Of Montreal-

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