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Friday, February 22, 2008

the tide is high. Oh! this is reggae!

Today I am all about the positive vibes. I can't get rid of the Marijuana stamp on my right hand from the Xamaca jam-dance fest last night. Oh the universe! Oh I need to stop using such (un)hip lingo.

Xamaca means:
a.The name of Xamaca has given you an appreciation for many beautiful and refined aspects of life--music and art, literature, drama--and the outdoors, where you find much peace and relaxation, but it creates a far too sensitive nature.
b. You rarely experience the tranquility that comes with stability of thinking or emotional control. (OH, this is true of me!)

I am writing about swimming pools again. In my dreams, they are deep, cold and daunting.

I went swimming the other night. (see: REM NightSwimming)
Here's a beginning story(?)

They were there to make laps around the pool. It was 9:30 pm Manila time and they needed a place to (go) disappear. Now, it is 9:35 pm and they have just discovered that people fade (away) in different ways.
Some do it gradually and sink slowly into the water. They make little bubbles when they do this.
They they come up for a breath. They breathe the same way they fade away--slowly and deliberately. Still, others tend to get lost in the water. They do this fearlessly like sperm whales or dolphins who dive effortlessly for fish. They breathe loudly. They explode into the water like gun shots or battering rams. It is almost like the water doesn't see them coming. It is almost as if their bodies--made up of tiny particles w/c are held together by the contrasting differences of light, dark, positive and negative-- they are part of the water. The water is made up of them. They are made up of the water.
There are the others who fade away unwillingly. They act like prisoners to the water like a blaze of fire that was once ferocious and strong but has succumbed to the chemical bonds of those elements-- hydrogen and oxygen. It is almost funny. They think to themselves. (...) how something once life giving like oxygen can cause so much destruction.
This is what happens when the right bonds are made. These complex bonds emit their own form of light, beauty and happiness. They experience their own form of ecstasy.
A list of the faders:
1. the swimmer- S/he knows the basic rules of the water: flotation, buoyancy and movement.
MOVEMENT- The way the water caves into the pressure of th human body, velocity, gravity. It's amazing how many factors go into swimming.
BUOYANCY- In order to swim, you have to float and when submerged you must be able to come up for air. Buoyancy allows for breathing-- the bobbing of the head w/c is kind of like bobbing for apples.
FLOTATION- This is a completely different story. There are methods of flotation: horizontal, vertical, and vertical then horizontal. All methods work the same way. Floating is safe. Diving in is not.

The swimmer does her laps around the pool.
1st breast strokes
-30th: 60 back and forth(s) all-in-all
She swims around the pool 3o times. She comes up for air 180 times. She sees things when she comes up for a breath. There are other people making laps around the pool.

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